The Fleek Platform SDK helps you pin files to IPFS. The Interplanetary File system (IPFS) is a distributed file storage protocol that allow computers all over the globe to store and serve files as part of a giant peer-to-peer network.


Here is a list of the available methods for the Fleek Platform SDK IPFS Service:

Method              Description
add                 Uploads a file from a Buffer and a path representing the file location.
addAll              Upload an array of files, each one represented by a content and a path for the file location.
addFromPath         Uploads a file from the local file system.


The add is an asynchronous function designed to upload a file to IPFS via the Fleek Platform Service.

Function signature

async (file: IpfsFile): Promise<UploadResult>


The file parameter is an instance of IpfsFile, a type that represents the file to be uploaded.

type IpfsFile = {
  // A string representing the path of the file
  path: string;
  // The content of the file
  content?: Buffer;


Returns a Promise which resolves to an UploadResult type, containing a CID, size and path.

type UploadResult = {
  cid: CID;
  size: number;
  path: string;

Usage example

Calling this method with an IpfsFile object would look something like the following:

import { FleekSdk, PersonalAccessTokenService } from '@fleek-platform/sdk/node';

// The Fleek SDK should be authenticated
// with a valid Project ID
const accessTokenService = new PersonalAccessTokenService({
  personalAccessToken: '<PAT>',
  projectId: '<PROJECT-ID>',

const fleekSdk = new FleekSdk({

const uploadToIPFS = async (filename: string, content: Buffer) => {
  const result = await fleekSdk.ipfs().add({
    path: '<FILENAME>',
    content: '<BUFFER_CONTENT>',

  return result;


The addAll is designed to upload multiple files to IPFS. This function is asynchronous and returns a Promise that resolves to an array of UploadResult objects.

Function signature

addAll: (files: IpfsFile[], options?: AddAllOptions) => Promise<UploadResult[]>;


The files parameter is an array of IpfsFile.

type IpfsFile = {
  // A string representing the path of the file
  path: string;
  // The content of the file
  content?: Buffer;
  // Options
  options?: AddAllOptions;

The options parameter is of type AddAllOptions, allowing customization of the upload behavior. Defaults to an empty object.

type AddAllOptions = {
  basename?: string;
  wrapWithDirectory?: boolean;
  searchParams?: URLSearchParams;


Returns a Promise which resolves to an array of UploadResult objects.

type UploadResult = {
  cid: CID;
  size: number;
  path: string;

Usage example

import { FleekSdk, PersonalAccessTokenService } from '@fleek-platform/sdk/node';

import { type IpfsFile } from '@fleek-platform/sdk';

// The Fleek SDK should be authenticated
// with a valid Project ID
const accessTokenService = new PersonalAccessTokenService({
  personalAccessToken: '<PAT>',
  projectId: '<PROJECT-ID>',

const fleekSdk = new FleekSdk({

const uploadToIPFS = async (files: IpfsFile[]) => {
  const result = await fleekSdk.ipfs().addAll(files);

  return result;


The addFromPath is designed to upload a file or directory located at a given path to IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). This function is asynchronous and returns a Promise that resolves to an array containing a single UploadResult object.

Function signature

addFromPath: (path: string, options?: AddFromPathOptions) =>


The options parameter is of type AddFromPathOptions, allowing customization of the upload behavior. Defaults to an empty object.

type AddFromPathOptions = {
  wrapWithDirectory?: boolean;


Returns a Promise which resolves to an array of UploadResult objects.

type UploadResult = {
  cid: CID;
  size: number;
  path: string;

Usage example

Calling this method with a path to a file or directory would be similar to:

import { FleekSdk, PersonalAccessTokenService } from '@fleek-platform/sdk/node';

// The Fleek SDK should be authenticated
// with a valid Project ID
const accessTokenService = new PersonalAccessTokenService({
  personalAccessToken: '<PAT>',
  projectId: '<PROJECT-ID>',

const fleekSdk = new FleekSdk({

const uploadToIPFS = async (filePath: string) => {
  const result = await fleekSdk.ipfs().addFromPath(filePath);

  return result;