Building an AI agent from scratch#

Create an AI agent on Fleek#

You can create your AI agent from scratch by filling in the required details.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Build from scratch” on the “Get started” screen.

  1. Fill in your agent details, and you’ll be prompted to provide essential information for your agent.

Review AI agent details and deploy#

You will be directed to a page to confirm your agent details. You can choose one of two ways to review your agent’s details:

  1. As Text. You can see an overview of all the agent’s details in foldable sections. You will not be able to edit any of the details:

Review agent

  1. As JSON. You can see all the agent’s details as they are in the characterfile you uploaded. You can edit the JSON directly:

Review agent JSON

Review the information provided and click ‘Deploy agent’. Your AI agent is now ready to interact seamlessly with external services.