Oct 12, 2023

Fleek v0.0.1 Changelog: Custom URL Slugs, Validation Improvements

Fleek v0.0.1 Changelog: Custom URL Slugs, Validation Improvements

We’re back with another Alpha update, this time with a focus on laying down the foundation for an even more reliable platform and some new incoming features. Plus, if you’ve been hanging out on our alpha waitlist, we’ve got some good news: you’ll be approved tomorrow– keep an eye on your email for onboarding instructions!

If this is the first you’re hearing of the alpha, don’t worry our application form is still open, and we’ll approve the next batch of users with the next release.

Let’s get into the changes coming to the Fleek.xyz alpha with v0.0.1:

New Feature

Custom URL Slugs

The randomly generated on-fleek.app URL slugs will default to a combination of words but now, if you want something a little more personalized, you can change it to whatever available slug you want:

Fixes & Improvements


We’ve given our validation system a little tune-up in this update– now you’ll get a heads-up if the username or domain you’re entering has already been claimed or is in use in a previous project, as well as alerts on storage limits and other key notifications.

Other Improvements

That’s not all though– head here for a full list of the 50+ other changes and improvements coming to the Fleek.xyz Alpha with this release.

Coming Next

That’s all for this update! See you all in ~2 weeks for the next batch of improvements coming to the Fleek.xyz alpha 🤙

Remember: if you applied to become an alpha tester since our last release notes, check your email for onboarding instructions coming in the next day. If you haven’t applied– the form is still open!

Follow along with the release of the Fleek.xyz platform on X and join the community of testers in our Discord server!

See you soon ⚡