Sep 22, 2023

Fleek Changelog: UI Fixes & Improvements, Dark Mode as Default

Fleek Changelog: UI Fixes & Improvements, Dark Mode as Default

What’s up Fleek Freaks? We’re back with another Fleek Release Notes, giving y’all a look into the improvements and bug fixes we’ve implemented into the alpha over the last week. If you missed the previous Fleek Release Notes, get caught up here!

This week, the focus was mainly on some bug fixes, visual improvements, and foundational work for upcoming features like site deletion/template submission. Don’t forget: if you want to take part in the alpha, join our discord server and fill out the application so you can join in the testing ⚡

Let’s dive into the updates, shall we?

New Features

UI & Experience:

We heard your feedback and have spent the week making dark mode the default, with some other improvements sprinkled in:

  1. Dark Mode is now set as the Default UI Theme:

  1. Template pages now render the repository’s Readmes as the description


UI & Experience:

This week, the frontend team worked on fixing several bugs from the interface, which include:


While on the UI/user-facing front our updates end with the above, we have also been setting foundational work and improvements to the inner workings of, which prepare the platform for a couple of future releases:

Coming Next Release

That’s all for this time! Just a small update to smooth out a few issues spotted by our first groups of testers. We’ll be back with Fleek Release Notes 03 after another week in the lab 🤙

Follow along with the release of the platform on X and join the community of testers in our Discord server!

See you soon ⚡