Fullstack Nextjs Template
Next.js SSR Starter Template
This is the boilerplate code generated directly from running npx create-next-app
. Utilize this template to harness Fleek’s optimized hosting for dynamic and performance-driven web applications
- Node 18.18.0+
- Fleek Account
- Fleek CLI
- Fleek Next Adapter
Getting Started
- Fork the repository
- Clone the repository by running the following command:
git clone <https://github.com/><your-id>/nextjs-ssr-template.git
- Enter the correct directory, install dependencies, and run locally:
cd nextjs-ssr-template
npm i
npm run dev
- Ensure that you install the Fleek CLI and the Fleek Next Adapter:
// local installation
npm i @fleek-platform/cli
npm i @fleek-platform/next
// global installation
npm i -g @fleek-platform/cli
npm i -g @fleek-platform/next
💡: you can check the Fleek CLI version by running fleek -v. Any version >= 2.10.1 should be good. As for the Fleek Next adapter, you can check the Fleek Next Adapter version by running fleek-next -v. Any version >= 2.1.0 should be good.
Building and Deploying
- Build the project using the Fleek Next Adapter:
npx fleek-next build
# or if installed globally
fleek-next build
- Now, Create the Fleek Function using the Fleek CLI:
fleek functions create --name '<name of your function>'
fleek functions create --name nextra-function
- Finally, deploy using the Fleek CLI:
fleek functions deploy --bundle=false --path .fleek/dist/index.js --assets .fleek/static --name '<name of your function>'
fleek functions deploy --bundle=false --path .fleek/dist/index.js --assets .fleek/static --name nextra-function
As you complete all the steps successfully here, you will be able to access your fullstack Next.js app using a link that looks like this- https://brief-disease-harsh.functions.on-fleek.app/
Reporting Issues
- Use GitHub Issues to report bugs or suggest features.
- Provide clear details and steps to reproduce any issues.
Pull Requests
- Fork the repository.
- Create a feature branch:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
- Commit changes with clear messages.
- Push to your fork and submit a pull request.
Learn More
- Other Next.js templates
- Fleek CLI Docs
- Fleek Function Docs
- Fleek Next Docs
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
November 4, 2024
Creation date
Web3 Starter Kit