Fleek AI Agents API: Step-by-step guide
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the Fleek AI Agents API. It covers all available requests, authentication methods, and practical examples to help users interact with the API, even if they are new to it.
To use the API, you need an X-Api-Key. Follow these steps to retrieve it:
1. Get Your Bearer Token
- Go to app.fleek.xyz.
- Open the Developer Console (F12 in most browsers).
- Navigate to the “Network” tab.
- Select your project where you have an AI agent deployed.
- Go to the “AI Agents” tab.
- On the “Network” tab, filter by api.fleek.xyz.
- Select the request that includes your project ID.
- Under “Request Headers,” find the Authorization field.
- Copy the Bearer Token (e.g., Authorization: Bearer YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE).
2. Generate Your X-Api-Key
Once you have your Bearer Token, use it to generate your X-Api-Key by running the following command:
curl https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/tokens \
--request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE' \
--data '{
"expires_in_days": null,
Response example:
"id": "your_token_id",
"name": "NAME_HERE",
"token": "your_x_api_key",
"token_prefix": "your_token_prefix",
"created_at": "user_specific_timestamp",
"expires_at": null,
"last_used_at": null
Use the token field as your X-Api-Key for all API requests.
API Requests
1. List All AI Agents
This request retrieves all AI agents associated with your Fleek account.
Request: GET /api/v1/ai-agents
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents?size=10' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN'
Response example:
"data": [
"id": "agent_id",
"projectId": "project_id",
"name": "AgentName",
"avatar": null,
"status": "Created",
"character_file": "{...}",
"host": "server_ip",
"slotNumber": "user_specific_slot_number",
"createdBy": "user_id",
"createdAt": "user_specific_created_timestamp",
"updatedAt": "user_specific_updated_timestamp",
"deletedAt": null
"next_page": null,
"prev_page": null
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key
2. Create an AI Agent draft
This request allows you to create a new AI agent draft on Fleek, to upload it later.
Request: POST /api/v2/ai-agents
curl https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v2/ai-agents \
--request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN' \
--data '{
"avatar": "dGVzdGltYWdlZGF0YQ==",
"name": "AI_Agent_name",
"projectId": "your_project_id"
Response example:
"id": "your_agent_id",
"projectId": "your_project_id",
"name": "Your Agent's Name",
"avatar": null,
"status": "Draft",
"characterFile": "{\"foo\":\"valid Eliza character configuration\"}",
"createdBy": "your_user_id",
"createdAt": "",
"updatedAt": ""
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key
- Replace {PUT_YOUR_JSON_CONFIGURATION_HERE_AS_A_STRING} with your character file json string
- Replace AI_Agent_name with your Agent name
- Replace your_project_id with your project ID
3. Publish a draft AI
This request allows you to publish your AI agent draft on Fleek.
Request: POST /api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/publish
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/publish' \
--request POST \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
Response example:
"avatar": "dGVzdGltYWdlZGF0YQ==",
"characterFile": "{\"foo\":\"valid Eliza character configuration\"}",
"createdAt": "",
"createdBy": "your_user_id",
"id": "your_agent_id",
"name": "Your Agent's Name",
"projectId": "your_project_id",
"status": "Created",
"updatedAt": ""
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key
- Replace {agentId} with the ID of the agent you want to publish the draft.
4. Get an AI Agent
This request fetches details of a specific AI agent using its ID.
Request: GET /api/v1/ai-agents/{agent_id}
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
Response example:
"id": "agent_id",
"projectId": "your_project_id",
"name": "AgentName",
"avatar": null,
"status": "Created",
"character_file": "{...}",
"host": "server_ip",
"slotNumber": "user_specific_slot_number",
"createdBy": "user_id",
"createdAt": "user_specific_created_timestamp",
"updatedAt": "user_specific_updated_timestamp",
"deletedAt": null
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
5. Update an AI Agent
Use this request to modify the name or character file of an AI agent.
Request: PUT /api/v1/ai-agents/{agent_id}
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}' \
--request PUT \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key' \
--data '{
"avatar": "dGVzdGltYWdlZGF0YQ==",
"name": "UpdatedAgentName"
Response example:
"id": "new_agent_id",
"projectId": "your_project_id",
"name": "UpdatedAgentName",
"avatar": null,
"status": "Created",
"character_file": "{...}",
"host": "server_ip",
"slotNumber": "user_specific_slot_number",
"createdBy": "user_id",
"createdAt": "user_specific_created_timestamp",
"updatedAt": "user_specific_updated_timestamp",
"deletedAt": null
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key
- Replace {UPDATED_JSON_CONFIGURATION_AS_STRING} with your character file json string
- Replace UpdatedAgentName with your new Agent name
6. Delete an AI Agent
This request removes an AI agent from your Fleek account.
Request: DELETE /api/v1/ai-agents/{agent_id}
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}' \
--request DELETE \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
Response example:
"message": "AI Agent deleted successfully"
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key
7. Get the logs from an AI agent
To retrieve the logs of an AI agent, use the following request:
Request: GET /api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/logs
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/logs' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
Response example:
"data": [
"id": "s=a6542de1ed8c4c5c98a9080c5dc1e96d;i=17673;b=5956ed0f842c4e01a08da7328fc9a960;m=13a9e975565;t=62e066a5c73c6;x=fb2de8833a54362e",
"timestamp": 1739454949,
"message": " TestforFleek123456 ",
"priority": 6
"next_page": "https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/logs?cursor=...",
"prev_page": null
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key.
- Logs contain id, timestamp, message, and priority levels.
8. Get the Status of an AI Agent
This request retrieves the status of an AI agent.
Request: GET /api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/status
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/status' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
Response example:
"status": "true"
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key.
9. Start an AI agent
To start an AI agent, use the following request:
Request: POST /api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/start
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/start' \
--request POST \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key.
10. Stop an AI agent
To stop an AI agent, use the following request:
Request: POST /api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/stop
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/stop' \
--request POST \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key.
11. Get the attestation bytes for an AI agent
This endpoint is used to get the attestation bytes for an AI agent.
Request: GET api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/attestation
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/attestation' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key.
12. Proxy requests to the AI agent’s API
This endpoint is used to proxy requests to the AI agent API. Any method is supported (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.). It will forward the request to the AI agent API and return the response.
Request: GET /api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/api/{*key}
curl 'https://api.fleek.xyz/api/v1/ai-agents/{agentId}/api/{*key}' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: your_x_api_key'
- Replace {agentId} with your actual agent ID.
- Replace your_x_api_key with your API key.
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Fleek AI Agents API, covering authentication, agent management, logging, and status monitoring. By following the step-by-step instructions, users can seamlessly interact with the API to create, update, and manage AI agents efficiently.
For additional support or further assistance, please visit our Support Center.