Build3rs Stack: Lens Protocol

Build3rs Stack: Lens Protocol

Welcome to the Build3rs Stack, Fleek’s web3 infrastructure overview series. This week we will take a look at Lens Protocol - A decentralized social media protocol! We will talk in depth about its main features, resources, and all the necessary information you need to get started.

In a nutshell, Lens Protocol is a decentralized and composable social graph, enabling you to concentrate on crafting exceptional experiences rather than managing a siloed social infrastructure. Let’s dive into it!

TL;DR: What is Lens Protocol?

Lens Protocol is a Web3-based social graph implemented on Polygon PoS. The main idea of this is to create a completely composable and user-owned social network. Designed with modularity as a core principle, the protocol allows for the seamless addition of new functionalities and improvements while preserving the immutability of user-generated content and social connections.

This also aims to address the significant challenges present in traditional and centralized social media networks. In particular, Web2 platforms rely on their proprietary, centralized databases, which lack portability. User profiles, connections, and content are confined to a single network and controlled by the platform operator, resulting in a competitive struggle for user attention - the protocol addresses these issues by establishing a user-owned, open social graph accessible to any application. As users retain control of their data, they can easily transition it between applications built on Lens Protocol.

Lens Protocol is presently governed by a multisig, which will eventually transition to a more inclusive DAO- responsible for proposing and voting on new modules and extended features.

How does the architecture work?

Lens Protocol’s architecture revolves around profile creation, publishing, and interaction. To create a profile, users receive a sequentially ID’d profile NFT, which grants them control over their profile and content:

Lens in Features: Profiles, Interactions, and Monetization.

As a social media web3 protocol, Lens enables you to leverage the following features:

How can you use Lens as a Builder: Applied Use-Cases

To understand the value of this protocol, let’s explore some real-world examples of how Lens can be used by builders.

Social Media Platform (e.g: Lenster)

Lenster is a decentralized and permissionless social media protocol built on the top of Lens Protocol - this provides you the benefit of owning your own data, reducing exposure to censorship.

NFT images collection (e.g: Pinsta)

Pinsta is a platform where you can post & collect images in the form of NFTs, powered by the Lens social graph.

Publishing Platform (e.g: ShareXYZ)

Censorship-resistant and decentralized platform where you can read, publish and connect with writers easily, built on the top of Lens Protocol.

Getting Started with Lens

With the developer tools that Lens provides you can easily start to create your own decentralized social media applications! But first, let’s start with the official documentation! And after that, you will find many other useful resources:

With all these resources you can quickly start to build on the top of Lens. Check out the entire ecosystem list of projects built on it (made by the community)!

We hope that this guide has given you the necessary information and tools to start building with Lens! Make sure to follow Lens for further updates and developments.

Additionally, we encourage you to check out our previous Build3rs Stack series and keep an eye out for upcoming ones so that you can stay informed about the latest updates about web3 infrastructure. You can also join our Discord community to connect with us quickly.

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