Jul 24, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Edge Networks: Making Computation Lightweight

A Comprehensive Guide to Edge Networks: Making Computation Lightweight

Why is your morning coffee often cold? Because the nearest Starbucks might be 10 miles away. Now, imagine a Starbucks kiosk outside your office parking or a vending machine in your office pantry, resulting in a fresh, hot coffee to start your day.

There is a similar concern in the digital world where nearly 167 trillion GB (gigabytes) or 180 zettabytes of data is estimated to be transmitted within 2025.

We all know data and digital footprint are valuable resources and their processing time in milliseconds can make or break digital products and services like Google.

Now, look at the current cloud server locations of Google and how underserved Africa, LATAM, and Asia are. Even a basic Google search in such locations needs to traverse many miles before the data is retrieved and made available to the user.

Source: Google

The inaccessibility within the computing space aggravates as more users, data, digital products, and services come in.

To solve this, the world has moved towards edge computing which effectively brings computation closer to the source, reducing latency and bandwidth requirements.

In this blog, we will dive into the ABCs of edge computing, its history, current state, and the future i.e. decentralized edge computing with Fleek.

Understanding The ABCs of Edge Computation

Edge computing is a distributed framework that processes data and executes tasks near the source. The computation in edge computing is processed by edge nodes. These nodes can be in the form of edge devices like smartphones or censors, or edge servers like hyper-localized computers maintained by the computing provider.

Before going into the technicalities, here are three examples of edge computing that happen around you daily:

That’s how regular edge computing has turned out to be in our daily lives. Now, let’s learn about the history and origins of edge computing.

Cloud Computation Makes Edge Computing Mainstream

Cloud computing began to gain widespread adoption in the mid-2000s, especially after 2006 when Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Simple Storage Service (S3).

These services allowed organizations to outsource the management of their IT infrastructure and scale their computing resources up or down based on demand. Plus, these services adopted a pay-as-you-go model which helped reduce the upfront costs associated with setting up and maintaining data centers.

Despite these benefits, several limitations of cloud computing became apparent, especially as the number of connected devices increased.

How Edge Computing Addresses Cloud Computing Constraints?

Edge computing effectively addresses the limitations posed by cloud computing in the following ways:

The Architecture of Edge Networks

The edge network architecture typically involves a distributed computing framework where data processing is done at or near the source of data generation, rather than relying solely on a central data center.

Along with edge devices, other components make up the edge network architecture:

These central systems can perform additional processing and store large amounts of data that are not needed immediately at the edge.

Drawbacks of Centralized Edge Networks

While centralized edge networks offer many applications and significant advantages, such as enhanced data processing speeds and improved network efficiency, they also present certain drawbacks.

The Future of Edge Computing: Fleek’s Onchain Edge Network

Despite the drawbacks mentioned, why do businesses still prefer centralized edge service providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Two reasons: Reliability and high speed.

Fleek Network, a decentralized edge network retains both these factors — edge functions on Fleek had a Time to First Byte (TTFB) 7 times faster than AWS and 2.7 times faster than Vercel — while eliminating single points of failure and vendor lock-in.

Additionally, it offers benefits like:

In other words, when a task or request comes into the network, the system routes the task to the node that can respond the quickest to reduce latency and balance the load across the network.

Fleek’s stateless design prevents this issue and allows it to shuffle services across nodes effectively, enhancing security by reducing risks of collusion

This design choice allows for a leaner, more efficient use of network resources and facilitates faster deployment and execution.

All in all, Fleek Network offers more speed compared to traditional edge networks without compromising on reliability. And with the proliferation of interconnected devices, the demand for decentralized edge networks like Fleek is only going to rise.


How does edge computing work?

Edge computing works by placing networks of computers close to the source of data (like IoT devices or local servers), rather than relying on a central data center far away. This setup allows data processing and analysis to occur almost in real-time at the point of data collection.

Why use edge computing?

Edge computing is used primarily to improve response times and save bandwidth by processing data close to the source. This is especially beneficial for real-time applications that require quick data processing, such as IoT devices, smart vehicles, and remote monitoring systems.

Will edge computing replace cloud computing?

No. Edge computing complements cloud computing instead of replacing it. That’s because edge computing excels at processing data closer to its source while cloud computing handles large-scale data processing, storage, and complex tasks not needing immediate responses.****