Oct 26, 2023

Fleek v0.0.2 Changelog: Primary Domains, Lens Template, Faster Upload Speeds

Fleek v0.0.2 Changelog: Primary Domains, Lens Template, Faster Upload Speeds

It’s that time again! We’re back for another bi-weekly update to the Fleek.xyz Alpha– this time with a new template option, faster file uploads, a few new features, and fixes.

Application form for the next batch of testers, who will get onboarded with v0.0.3 coming in ~2 weeks, is open here!

Let’s get into the changes coming to the Fleek.xyz alpha with v0.0.2:

Primary Domains

In an effort to simplify domain management, we’re introducing a new “Primary Domains” feature. The platform will now automatically reference your chosen primary domain for tasks related to sites or gateways. When you set up your first active domain, it becomes the default primary. As you add more domains, you have the flexibility to set a new one that your site defaults to.

If you decide to switch things up and remove your primary domain, you’ll get a prompt to set up a new one from your list of domains.

Lens Template

Head over to the templates page to try our new Lens template! Spin up your own fully functioning Lens social app in minutes with an easy-to-configure and customized template. Start with a timeline, as well as post and user search, and build from there.

You can access the new template here- give us a tag on X with your finished Lens build ⚡

Upload Improvements

You may have noticed uploads on the platform feel faster over the last week– that’s because we did a little refactoring on the backend and gave upload speeds a pretty significant boost! Files of all sizes upload ~10 times faster than before on the UI 🤙

Other Fixes and Improvements

As always, we’ve squashed a ton of bugs and added a few small improvements with this release!

That’s all we have to share for v0.0.2! We’ll be back in about 2 weeks with another set of improvements, along with the next batch of alpha testers ⚡

Follow along with the release of the Fleek.xyz platform on X and join the community of testers in our Discord server!

See you in a few weeks 🤙