Nov 9, 2023

Fleek v0.0.3 Changelog: Project, Site, and Gateway Delete Options, QoL Improvements

Fleek v0.0.3 Changelog: Project, Site, and Gateway Delete Options, QoL Improvements

It’s been about two weeks, meaning it’s time for another bi-weekly update to the Alpha 🤙

The highlight for this release: Project, Site, and Gateway delete functionality! We’ve also done our usual bi-weekly bug-squashing to clean up your experience and fix a few minor issues.

Did you see the performance data from Fleek Network Testnet Phase {1}? Last week, the Foundation released the results from the successful Phase {1} performance testing period. Dive into the full performance analysis here!

Let’s get into the changes coming to the alpha with v0.0.3:

Delete Options: Projects, Sites, Gateways

A heavily requested feature is here– quickly and easily delete any Project, Site, or Gateway directly in the UI. When deleting any of the above, the user must go through a few confirmations to verify the removal of things like Domains, IPNS records, or anything else associated with the project.

IMPORTANT: Deleting a Project, Site, or Gateway is not reversible! Make sure you understand all warnings before progressing.

Project Delete

To delete a Project, head to the project dashboard, where you’ll need to acknowledge that deleting your project means the removal of the project’s:

Site Delete

When deleting a site, go to the site overview and click the Delete Site option on the general settings page. Deleting your site means the removal of all associated resources and means content for that site will no longer be served, including the domains and IPNS record linked to it.

Gateway Delete

For Private Gateways, you’ll be prompted to remove the gateway and all domains associated with it:

Other Fixes and Improvements

Alongside the new delete options, we’ve also added a ton of quality-of-life improvements and other fixes to the platform with v0.0.3 including:

That’s all for this week! This is a smaller QoL update to bring a heavily requested feature and clean up a little behind the scenes as we prepare for the next major feature addition– Template Submissions

Follow along with the release of the platform on X and join the community of testers in our Discord server!

See you again in about two weeks for the next update 🤙